Friday, June 15, 2007

Oo's making a noise?

Oh deary me, what a hullaballoo

The beasts are making down at the zoo.

It was started up by the kangaroo

Who was playing around with his didgeridoo.

It woke the koala, who joined in, too,

As did the orang-utan and the gnu,

The elephant, tiger and caribou,

And we mustn’t forget the kinkajou,

Nor the parrot, of course, and the cockatoo;

Altogether at once, a cacophonous crew.

‘Twas a terrible din, ‘tis strange but true,

The beasts were making there, down at the zoo.

Meanwhile, at home, asleep, was Hugh,

The owner and manager of the zoo,

When the telephone rang, “Oh, what can we do?”

Cried the voice on the line, it was Mary-Lou,

Who lived at number 42

In the road that ran beside the zoo.

What a way to be woken, at half past 2

In the morning, a phone call from out of the blue.

But Hugh heard what she said, and then he knew.

When he heard it was most of them not just a few,

He jumped into his car and drove down to the zoo,

For he knew what it was that he needed to do.

He arrived at the gates and his certainty grew

As he leapt from his car and he shouted out, “Boo!”

“Yes, you animals, there, I’m talking to you,”

“Enough is enough, just STOP!”

And the beasts were so surprised,

That they did.

1 comment:

snailbeachshepherdess said...

So this is what you say to those poor children as they are about to doze off....its a wonder they sleep!